Open Letter
in Conjunction with
State of the Union
Open Letter to Mr. Wayne
R. LaPierre, Jr.,
Executive Vice President, National Rifle Association
January 27, 2015
"Four score and seven years ago, our fathers brought
forth on this continent a new nation: conceived in liberty, and
dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal.
Now we are engaged in a great civil war. . .testing whether that nation,
or any nation so conceived and so dedicated. . . can long endure. We are
met on a great battlefield of that war.
We have come to dedicate a portion of that field as a final resting
place for those who here gave their lives that that nation might live.
It is altogether fitting and proper that we should do this.
But, in a larger sense, we cannot dedicate. . .we cannot consecrate. . .
we cannot hallow this ground. The brave men, living and dead, who
struggled here have consecrated it, far above our poor power to add or
detract. The world will little note, nor long remember, what we say
here, but it can never forget what they did here. It is for us the
living, rather, to be dedicated here to the unfinished work which they
who fought here have thus far so nobly advanced.
It is rather for us to be here dedicated to the great task remaining
before us. . .that from these honored dead we take increased devotion to
that cause for which they gave the last full measure of devotion. . .
that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain.
. . that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom. . .
and that government of the people. . .by the people. . .for the people.
. . shall not perish from the earth. "
— Abraham Lincoln,
Gettysburg Address, November 19, 1863 |
As the esteemed
American Vice President of the National Rifle Association and its 5 million
members, along with their countless supporters who uphold the Second
Amendment right to keep and bear arms, this nation’s Constitution must
now be put to test, and not simply be
a “goddamed piece of paper” as the former President Bush remarked.
High people in power seem to
be waging a war against the United States and The People of the United
States, and another outsider who is a total insider in the U.S. has
is a thing you can move very easily, move it in the right [i.e.
opposite] direction…. [with
the result]: Once we squeeze all we can out of the United States, it can
dry up and blow away" —
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, 2002
Our country is being attacked internally, slowly and incrementally
to where she will not simply be a shell of her former self, but in
fragments and ruins so as to fulfill Netanyahu’s cursed words.
However, it is in those words we find adequate action to confirm and
verify that Israel is both the enemy and ruin of America, and exists at
the total expense of America and American citizens, and people world over.
In order to be a free people, let us also revive the wisdom of our
country's 1776 Declaration of
Independence and see how, after 239 years that this noble and
timeless document was written, the causes which impel us, as the
American People, to the separation not from God, but from the satanic
alien entity, i.e. an entity totally opposite to American values,
principles and Humanity
itself, that has assumed the name of Israel. (3)
In order to not be a “thing easily moved,” we must not only separate
from the highly destructive entity called Israel, but we must also
separate from all its supporters in America, by way of dual Israelis, Neocons, Zionists, Israeli and Jewish organizations and their lobbies.
This internal separation is a highly necessary step, if America is to reclaim herself as a sovereign nation and not be “a thing easily moved.”
Events, facts and policy which happened on 9/11 and post 9/11 will bring
to the absolute certainty that Israel is the sworn enemy of the United
States of America and her Ideals, her people and her Constitution:
SEPTEMBER 11, 2001
1) Israel Orchestrated 9/11
Many factual, alternative press websites through The People's efforts
have arisen due to the fact that the whole of the American media is
owned and controlled by
simply 6 corporations that are more about
agendas, particularly the ginning up of foreign wars, fictional
narratives and desired political agendas than actual truth,
enlightenment and progress of both the nation and the people themselves.
Alternative informational websites that bring
the culpability of Israel
into play for orchestrating 9/11
are growing in number. However,
for our purposes here, we need only begin with simply what the former
President Francesco Cossiga said on 911:
“All the intelligence services of America and Europe know well
that the disastrous attack had been planned and realized by the
[Israeli] Mossad….. in order to blame the Arabic countries and convince
the Western powers to take part in Iraq and Afghanistan.”
Yes, indeed.
Two months before the presidential election, and a full year before the
events of 9/11,
a 90-page document titled the “Project for a New
American Century” was brought into existence by Neocons / Dual Israelis
/ Zionists / Jewish interests and their supporters in the American government who stated they
needed a “new Pearl Harbor” in order to gin up support for American wars
abroad, i.e. “a war without end,” and to simultaneously make a Nazi-like
coup on the American government and its people. (6)
To put it simply, Pearl Harbor as we know was a direct attack on
Americans with the result of drawing America into a World War.
“Mission Accomplished.”
America was attacked through a false flag operation in the United States
by Israel, and the American military turned into a
vast soulless,
war-without-conscience killing machine let loose on totally innocent
people in other lands. (7)
The ideological narrative of “The
Clash of Civilizations” was already written for Humanity to
perpetually war against itself by Samuel Huntington in 1996, where the
illegal and immoral war, i.e., a war without the consent of the American
Congress was turned into the great Christian West vs Islam and the
Muslims—with the inclusive objective of also destroying centuries old
cultures of Humanity's own past. (8)
At the same time, another brutal attack on America and her Constitution
occurred internally.
POST 9/11
2) The Anti-American
“Patriot Act”
Immediately after 9/11, the Neocons / Dual Israelis / Zionists / Jewish
interests and their supporters within the American government trotted out the so-called
“Patriot Act”– a several hundred page document drawn up many years
before 9/11 as the new, "kill at will" police state powers for the
governing elite, and a total undermining of the U.S. Constitution and
Bill of Rights, along with all vestiges of truth, transparency,
fairness, accountability and civilized law. (9)
As a result, the Department of “Homeland Security” was created and
modeled on the
East German Secret
Police, the “Stasi,”
that had for decades,
brutalized and terrorized their own people, and now, brought to life
once again by
Neocons / Dual Israelis / Zionists / Jewish interests and their
supporters in full
consent of such measures in America to thwart and ultimately destroy
America’s civil liberties and freedoms, i.e. life and liberty.
3) America was Taken to War Based on a Big Lie
It is not only an outrage that America was taken to war based on the Big
Lie of 9/11, but that also it happened because of
ONLY 25 people in all—and all Neocons
/ Dual Israelis / Zionists / Jewish interests. In the Iraq war
invasion, many millions died horrific deaths, many were imprisoned and tortured, including,
shockingly, children, many were maimed, and
many became refugees. The whole country itself was decimated
including the infrastructure and hospitals for treating the sick and
injured of the invasion, along with the precious ancient sites and relics of Humanity’s great
historical past—the cradle of civilization itself.
In Iraq, 5 million orphans were created which means America’s military
existed in a state of committing horrendous war crimes, crimes
against Humanity and genocide. The same criminal war has happened in Afghanistan and
is ongoing where the citizens of their own country are being terrorized
and traumatized by American drones, nightly raids on families and a
large torture prison set up by Americans right in their own country.
Let that also be a dire warning to Americans themselves as they continue
to allow the so-called “Patriot Act” to undermine the U.S. Constitution
and for Neocons / dual Israel’s
/ Zionists / Jewish interests and their
supporters to control
America. (11)
Everyday, 22 service men commit suicide—and many more are in post
traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)—because of the horrors they
essentially committed on innocent people. Tens of thousands have been maimed,
and tens of thousands in addition have also suffered brain
injuries—deaths and injuries not by the civilian populations of the
countries that have been attacked post 911, but by the third shadow
force of the Israelis and their "black ops" counterparts who create the
false war front through sniper fire and false flag "terrorist" bombs. The real numbers for
how many American soldiers that have been killed, many of them young, have been hidden
from the American people. (12)
"Every time we do something you tell me America will do this and will do
that . . . I want to tell you something very clear: Don't worry about
American pressure on Israel. We, the Jewish people, control America, and
the Americans know it."
Israeli Prime Minister, Ariel Sharon, October 3, 2001
Yes indeed.
4) Neocons / Dual
Israel’s / Zionists / Jewish Interests and
Supporters in America’s
Governing Body have Turned Over all of American Sovereignty and
Governance to Israel.
Neocons / dual Israel’s / Zionists / Jewish interests and their
supporters—in our governing body and instruments of power by action,
words and witness:
a) Congress
Nearly 300 members of Congress signed on to a declaration reaffirming
their commitment to the “unbreakable bond” that exists between America
and Israel. (13)
b) Senate
Neocons / dual Israel’s / Zionists / Jewish interests and their
supporters turned over America’s war powers to Israel through a bill
introduced by the Senate to effectively follow Israel in any war of its
own choosing.
How much of a lackey can America get, and how many more Americans will
die and be maimed for Israel? Is this how we "support the troops"?—with
eyes wide shut? (14)
c) State Department
Kay Griggs, an ex U.S. Military wife had said that a walk through the
State Department had revealed to her that Neocons / dual Israel’s /
Zionists / Jewish interests and their supporters are in charge of
America’s Middle East policy, which is like, if a Jew got arrested for
murder and we, America, placed nothing but Nazis on the jury panel. America’s foreign policy is racist and one-sided—a totally un-American
value. (15)
d) Military
Neocon / Zionist / Dual Israeli / Jewish policy has turned America from
a defense posture to a downright war criminal aggressor nation. Young
American men are no longer trained how to defend the nation, but to
simply how to murder, terrorize, torture, brutalize and genocide
innocent people in cold blood, literally.
The American Military is being trained to be like the military of their
Israeli masters which kills, tortures, brutalizes, bullies and
terrorizes the neighboring population of Palestine on a daily basis.
Should these Israeli forces ever experience real hand-to-hand combat
with real American men, they will show themselves to be the cowards that
they actually are as their only combat has been to murder defenseless
men, women and children. Let not our young American men and women do
the same, and continue to do the same evil. (16)
e) Justice (17)
As in the State Department, a clear conflict of interest exists where a
Neocon / Dual Israeli / Zionist / Jew handles all 9/11 litigation—aiding
and abetting cover-ups, preventing a trial, and blocking any legal
discovery of what really happened. Family connections of the 9/11 judge
show Mossad connections, and as the former Italian President Francesco
Cossiga said on 911—and worth repeating for the sake of the truth that
will set Americans free from war, occupation and criminal behavior in
other lands and bring Israel itself to justice:
“All the intelligence services of America and Europe know well
that the disastrous attack had been planned and realized by the
[Israeli] Mossad….. in order to blame the Arabic countries and convince
the Western powers to take part in Iraq and Afghanistan.”
f) Media
“You know very well, and the stupid
Americans know equally well, that we control their government,
irrespective of who sits in the White House. You see, I know it and you
know it that no American president can be in a position to challenge us
even if we do the unthinkable. What can they [Americans] do to us? We
control congress, we control the media, we control show biz, and we
control everything in America. In America you can criticize God, but you
can’t criticize Israel…”
spokeswoman, Tzipora Menache
Need we say more?—other than six Jewish companies control 96% of the
world’s media, and all of American media. Why should it matter?
Not only because for the simple reason we can never get the Truth, but
also because our minds and culture are constantly manipulated for perpetual
racism, bigotry, divisiveness, war, violence, propaganda, social
engineering and cultural and personal degeneracy, suiting the designs of
the Talmud, which de-humanizes and subverts Humanity and
profanes the
sacred for a perpetual supremacist rule. Also, it is the reason,
we should ask ourselves, why we never see Israel in the news for the
atrocities they commit on the Palestinian people on a daily basis, as
well as their own diabolical war crimes against a whole nation of people.
Economic Life of Nation (19)
In the dead of night, and in secrecy where the planning
of criminal and other nefarious and cowardly activities often take
place, the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 was stealthily passed to:
a) take away the right of the nation to print its own money—thus
attaching to it debt or usury;
And, as a result of such a criminal and fraudulent action on the American People:
b) a tax was imposed on the income earnings of The People.
The Act itself is totally fraudulent and highly distasteful in a
two-fold manner, as research shows:
c) The Federal Reserve Bank is not a public bank of the nation for The
People’s good, but a privately held FOREIGN bank whose shares are held
by a few, obscenely wealthy Jewish families who impose interest or
usury, i.e. economic enslavement on the American people by way of
stealing the fruits of their own labors and quality of life through the
imposition of income taxes, along with the withholding of the nation's
money supply to create immense financial hardships and depressions on
the nation. At the same time, as the citizens of their country
become debt slaves on a macro-economic basis on a national level, they
also become debt slaves on the micro-economic basis on the personal
level with the imposition of usury on property and home ownership through a life-time of debt
slavery. With the elimination of this criminal and fraudulent scam on The People
by a foreign private cabal:
"No private bankers would be able to rob the people.
Government banks, under [the guarded and vigilant control of The People
themselves], would issue and control all money and credit, where for
example, a $60,000 loan made to build a house would require only $60,000
in repayment, with simply a little service fee, and NOT $255,931.00 as
it is now. Everyone who supplied materials and labor to build the
house would get paid just as they are today, but the Bankers would not
get $195,931.00 in usury."
d) Further, research shows that the 16th Amendment of the
Constitution was never ratified by states to legalize the imposition of
any income taxes on the American people.
Over a century of criminal fraud and theft has taken place on both the
life of the American nation and the fruits of the American citizen’s
labor which has been largely to create weapons, wars abroad and the
militarization of the world for Neocons / dual Israel’s / Zionists / Jewish interests and their
supporters throughout the decades to the present day.
Terrorism, Torture,
False War Fronts & Police Brutality
War planning is what is says it its—the planning of false and ginned up
wars for the future, decade through decade, generation through
generation of Americans. In the 1950s, America’s economy was willfully
turned from a Peace based one to a War based one by the Jewish interests
on Wall Street. The effects of such an economy on the life and lives of
the American nation is both incalculable and palpable, continuing to widen the gap
between the rich and the poor on many levels, and destroying another
American value of the opportunity for all. (21)
False or ginned up wars themselves must be based on
false flags and
deceptions for the maintenance of a War based economy. Since Neocons
/ dual Israel’s / Zionists / Jewish interests and their supporters on
Wall Street authored the creation of a War based economy for America, it
is they who continue to bring deceptions and savagery on the Nation and
the peoples of the world at large for continued, if not perpetual
violence, racism and warfare.
Given that the Israeli motto-like-commandment for waging war in the
world is, "By way of deception thou shalt do war"—every
violent group, every action, every threat, every bombing, every disaster
on Humanity must be inwardly examined as bearing the
hand and modus operandi of these
real, inhuman terrorists amongst us. (22)
The Charge by U.S. Army Officers
And now, as all Americans should be aware, Israelis have not only
commandeered the American Military and its training manuals for barbaric
warfare, but also instigate the false war front by firing on,
murdering and maiming American soldiers in the shadows so that they, in
turn attack and genocide whole towns and villages of innocent people to
continue the “global war on terror” war farce.
Israelis also invented the horrific and sadistic, “intermittent
two-bomb” approach where people are bombed, then bombed again a short
time later to kill the people who had run to their aid, as any human
being instinctively would. (24)
Israelis also introduced and legalized in international law the hideous
practice of targeted assassination so that it would become the norm for
the world—no longer do we have a civilized world of international law
through courts of justice or a transparent process, but simply a
psychopathic “kill at will” world.
Torture, as part of the barbaric world structure of “targeted
assassinations” has been a mainstay of Israel for ginning up false
confessions for Israel’s political agendas, with the latest rounds of
horrific and barbaric torture including the rape of young Iraqi boys by
American military personnel in front of their mothers, and the raping of
prisoners by dogs—all justified simply because “Israel does torture,”
i.e. it exists as a legally justified structure in Israel.
To legalize torture in America in any way, shape or form is to first put
the advocates of torture to various forms of torture in a public forum,
in front of all the American people, where the topic can openly be
discussed with the advocates of torture—while they are undertaking
torture themselves—which form of torture and its endurance (i.e., over
days, weeks, months, years) should become America’s ideal. It
would then spell out what clearly would be the right path for the soul
of the American nation and what clearly would be the wrong path.
Police departments in America have also been modelled on Israeli
training and tactics of gross brutality, cruelty and murder on the
Palestinian population, which is the reason we find “I can’t breathe”
choke holds, brutal assaults and cold-blooded killings on the American civilian
population by police who are trained to be killers as their first
impulsive instinct, which makes them psychopathic murderers and killers,
like their Israeli counterparts. (25)
6) Siphoning off America’s Blood, Sweat and Treasure
As America’s wars are being fought for Neocons / dual Israel’s /
Zionists / Jewish interests and their supporters through America’s own
blood and treasure, so is American sweat by way of income taxes being
stolen from the life of the nation . Every year billions of dollars of
“aid” is given to generate Israel’s economy, which includes the
purchasing of new homes for Israelis through subsidized mortgages. At
the same time, all U.S. loans given to Israel are forgiven, and in turn
Israel loans U.S. taxpayer aid back to the U.S. and collects the
interest—what’s wrong with that picture? (26)
Meanwhile, 3 million Americans lost their homes in the 2008 home
foreclosures, and homelessness, poverty and hunger in America is not now
simply in the thousands or tens of thousands, but collectively in the
millions. Included in the homelessness in America are 58,000 college
kids, which is a sure sign for America’s trajectory for a future that is
not supposed to be. America must reclaim her sovereign right and
existence from the usurpers and stealers of the American Dream.
7) The American Dream Great Revival
Our exceptional Founding Father, George Washington said in his Farewell
Address that we should neither make foreign alliances nor should we
engage in their intrigues, and yet, our successive governments have
allowed the exact opposite to happen to where we are no longer a
sovereign people, but a stooge and a “thing easily moved,” i.e. by
Israel—and indeed We,
The American People are being moved and maneuvered into our country’s
own demise. (28)
Mr. Wayne LaPierre, and to the 5 million patriots of the National Rifle
Association who exist to uphold the Constitution and all that it stands
We, The American People ask if you are going to allow Netenyahu’s cursed
words to take hold and let this nation be destroyed forever, or will you
do what’s right and carry through on the promise of our great President,
Abraham Lincoln’s Gettysburg address:
It is rather
for us to be here dedicated to the great task remaining before us. .
.that from these honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause
for which they gave the last full measure of devotion. . . that we here
highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain. . . that
this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom. . . and that
government of the people. . .by the people. . .for the people. . . shall
not perish from the earth. "
We, the American People, in the act of retrieving our nation
back from the usurpers and the stealers of the American Dream—where the
chaff of Neocons / dual Israel’s / Zionists
/ Jewish interests and their supporters have mixed in with the
wheat, that is, the heart, life, soul and nourishment of the American nation—must, in order to
stop the wheel of destruction within our nation:
8) Make a Clean
Break to Separate from Israel
Remove and separate from ourselves and our nation the destructive and
controlling entity called Israel, along with all its supporters,
institutions, organizations, politicians and lobbies—dual Israelis,
Zionists, Neocons, Jewish interests and their supporters who are seeing to America’s destruction, along with
the siphoning off America’s blood, sweat and treasure.
All have committed high crimes and high treason. All are
treasonous to America, her Constitution
and Ideals—with the result that the progress of both America and Human
civilization itself has been thwarted, and, at the same time, being socially
engineered to a totally degenerate, illiterate, inhuman state while
being built into a communist, centralized godless state of tyranny,
brutality, oppression, suppression and fear.
Dismantling of the Post
9/11 Reality
Dismantle all that has been created and instituted post 911 as it
creates our forced, fictional reality through lies and deceptions and
the violation of human and civil rights as it undermines the
Constitution upon which our collective life, liberty and happiness was
The undermining of the Constitution includes the un-American and
so-called (actually highly deceptive) "Patriot" Act, the Department of
"Homeland Security", Torture sites, the organizational
advocates and instigators of torture sites, anti-Islam organizations
that exist for the ginning up of the racist wars within America and for
the public's tacit consent for all the
foreign wars and occupation of other nations.
Further, there was a reason why President Kennedy wanted to "splinter
[the intelligence agencies] up into a thousand pieces and scatter [them]
into the winds." If, as the former Italian President
Francesco Cossiga said, they all
knew about 9/11, and the reason for it, then there is an obvious
culpability of them all in it. It is logical common sense
that if they did not prevent it, then they obviously were all part of
it—as they are with all the sectarian violence in the world. Logical common
sense is that you don't hand over more power and money, as in tens of
billions of dollars of your hard-earned money, to your abusers to have
the opportunity to abuse you more as in the
so-called "Patriot Act," the Federal Reserve and other other
privately held and UnAmerican institutions
and organizations.
It is time we made our own intervention.
10. American Only Loyalty
All who run for office must repudiate any bondage to Israel upfront in a
signed public and verbal statement, and declare
their loyalty to America only. Those who declare support and bondage
to Israel must be set aside for high treason and dealt with accordingly.
11. Restitution
and Revival of America from the Grand and Abominable Theft
of the American Nation's
Life and of Its Citizens through the Federal
Reserve Act of 1913 by Foreign Jewish Interests
Over the last 100 years, an incalculable amount of theft of
America’s life, blood, sweat and treasure has taken place through the
economic slavery and destitution imposed on Americans by the fraud of the Federal
For the restitution and revival of America—through the grand and
abominable theft that has been placed on Americans from the past 100
to the present—the new American government—in the total separation from
Neocons / dual Israel’s / Zionists / Jewish interests and their
supporters—must take the immediate measures to:
a) Repudiate the National Debt which had been created and imposed under a
fraudulent system;
b) Eliminate all taxes from the American’s income (as it simply
goes to war and a militarized planet);
c) Eliminate all taxes from American small
businesses—including farms—and encourage them all to thrive;
d) Eliminate all interest from the mortgages of homes;
e) Forgive all student loans;
f) Provide free, high quality education to all Americans;
(Possible through simply the elimination of Israel from the life, wars
and treasury of the nation.)
g) Provide an ample money supply through interest free,
sovereign American government printed money that will fund
i) startups for small businesses;
ii) creative endeavors for uplifting society’s needy to
iii) purchasing of property and grants for property for small
organic farms, home ownership
and building of houses;
iv) health care choices, including natural alternatives.
h) Eliminate the Patriot Act
(and its associated oppressions and deceptions) which attacks and
nullifies the U.S. Constitution, and brought to existence based on the
Big Lie of 9/11.
It is through the above, America's economy can be turned back to a Peace
economy—as her true and rightful existence, position and purpose in the
where "life, liberty and happiness" are the natural effects within the nation.
Essentially, what our American Founding tells us that
"nothing legitimate can issue from the pen of tyrants."
12. America’s Second Amendment Purpose
A wise U.S. marine—United States Marine Corps General Smedley Butler
said back in the 1930’s that there are only two things we should fight
for. One is the “defense of our homes and the other is the Bill of
Rights.” (32)
Well, that time is here. American families have
lost their homes, and the nation is fast falling into homelessness,
hunger, poverty and institutionalized tyranny with mass starvation also
on the horizon.
Defense of our nation means “eyes inward” to the enemy that has been
named. This enemy is making a husk of this great nation—eating out its
substance—and at the same time leeched itself onto the America
People, squeezing out every last drop for the sole benefit of
Our great, brave and exceptional Founding Father, George Washington
"Firearms are second only to the
Constitution in importance; they are the peoples' liberty's teeth."
Mr Wayne LaPierre and the National Rifle Association
as the icon and upholder of American Freedom, and to all you there who
love and care for this country—now you know what is and what can be.
What will you do as the right thing to do about the sworn enemy of our
beloved country and Constitution that once held a great and noble light
to the people of the world?
It is time to cleanse our great Republic of all things Israel—Neocons
/ dual Israel’s / Zionists
/ Jewish interests, organizations and their supporters—as
it has posed a clear and present danger to America and the world at
large. America must and will revive for the sake of the nation, for the
sake of Humanity. Failure is not an option for a nation forged through
the bravery, devotion and honor of some very extraordinary men in 1776
through the American Revolutionary War of Independence, and again in 1861
through the
American Civil War where they gave their full measure to the cause of
America’s liberty, for The People, but now.....
“You know very well,
and the stupid Americans know equally well, that we control their
government, irrespective of who sits in the White House. You see, I know
it and you know it that no American president can be in a position to
challenge us even if we do the unthinkable. What can they [Americans] do
to us? We control congress, we control the media, we control show biz,
and we control everything in America. In America you can criticize God,
but you can’t criticize Israel.…” —Israeli
spokeswoman, Tzipora Menache
It is time for Americans to stop hitting stupid.
Pledge One Humanity One Love, Eyes Inward, in Service to our Union
(1) Utter Contempt for the U.S. Constitution by Those in High
(2) Benjamin Netanyahu, and the Clear and
Present Danger to America
The Quote in Context of its Supremacist Tone
Its Historical Perspective
Below the Veneer
(3) America Must Detach from the Satanic, Anti-Human
and Vile Nature of Israel
Touchstone of What it Means to be Human and Free
American Declaration of Independence
(4) American Media Controlled by Six Corporations with Agendas
of Ginning
Up Wars—and
Not About Truth, Progress & Enlightenment of the Nation
Italian President Francesco Cossiga and 911
(6) Project for a New American Century (PNAC)

The War and Media Machine
— Opium for the Masses
(7) The UnAmerican Military and the Aftermath of Iraq
(8) Clash of Civilizations
— Writing the Narrative for the World's
Reality Post 911
— For the
Goal of Jewish / Neocon / Zionist Global Communism
"Who are you to proclaim that your Christian American way is
the best? It is obvious you have never been exposed to the
communist system. When nationalism is finally smashed in
America. I will personally be there to firebomb your church,
burn your Bibles, confiscate your firearms and take your
children away. We will send them to Eastern Bloc schools and
reeducate them to become the future leaders of a One World
Government, and to run our Socialist Republic of America. We are
taking over the world and there is nothing you can do to stop
us." (Letter from a Spokane, Washington Jew to Christian
Pastor Sheldon Emry).
The History and Political Landscape (MO) of Playing Two Sides Against
the Other for Control and Gain
(9) The UnAmerican "Patriot Act"
— the Ability to Violate, Lie,
Falsely Lead, Falsely Accuse,
Kill at Will, Deceive, Suppress and Oppress
(10) The Mark is Made
— the Few who Destroy so Much
(11) Crimes Against Humanity, War Crimes and
Genocide in Iraq,
and Palestine — the Next Stop
— America
British historian Lord Macaulay
warned, "Your republic will be as fearfully plundered and laid waste by
barbarians in the twentieth century as the Roman Empire was in the
fifth, with this difference, that the empire came from without and your
Huns and vandals will have been engendered within your own country, by
your Israeli Zionist owned institutions."
(12) Americans Dying and Destroying Themselves in Wars for
and by
/ Dual Israel’s / Zionists / Jewish interests and Their Supporters
"Johnny Got His Gun"
say mister I'm sorry I got no time to die I'm too busy
and then turn and run like hell. If they say coward why
don't pay any attention because it's your job to live
not to die. If they talk about dying for principles
that are bigger than life you say mister you're a liar.
Nothing is bigger than life. There's nothing noble in
death. What's noble about lying in the ground and
rotting? What's noble about never seeing the sunshine
again? What's noble about having your legs and arms
blown off? What's noble about being an idiot? What's
noble about being blind and deaf and dumb? What's noble
about being dead? Because when you're dead mister it's
all over. It's the end. You're less than a dog less
than a rat less than a bee or an ant less than a white
maggot crawling around on a dungheap. You're dead
mister and you died for nothing.
dead mister.
"Johnny Got His Gun" by Dalton Trumbo
“If it was up to me, I’d dump the Israelis tomorrow. All
I worry about is that continuing preaching of American politicians to
the American people that our relationship with the Israelis doesn’t
cause us to have dead Americans and extraordinary expenses in fighting
the Muslim world”
Michael Scheurer
"I've never seen a President — I don't care who he is — stand up to
them. It just boggles the mind. They always get what they want. The
Israelis know what is going on all the time. I got to the point where I
wasn't writing anything down.
If the American people understood what a grip these people have got on
our government,
they would RISE UP IN ARMS. Our citizens certainly don't have any
idea what goes on"
—Thomas H. Moorer, (1912 - 2004), Admiral, US Navy & Chairman, Joint
Chiefs of Staff during interview on 24 August 1983.
Pat Tillman Realized the Lies
and Deceptions of the War Farce
Tomas Young
Also Realized the Lies and Deceptions and Wrote a Letter to Bush and
Meet the Warmongering
[Pro-Israel] Billionaires Who Will Spend a Fortune to Influence the Next
(13) The "Unbreakable Bond" with Israel Must be Broken
(14) How Much of a Lackey Can America Get?
(15) Zio-Nazis in the State Department
(16) The American Military Trained to Imitate the Zionist Evil
(17) Justice in America has Become a Total Sham
(18) Jewish Control of the Media Must be Dismantled

Why the "Judeo" Should be
Immediately Delinked from the "Christian" in America:
(19) The Income Tax Must be Abolished, and the Issue and Control
All Money and Credit Must be Usury (i.e. Debt) Free as a Principle
The Scam of the Federal Reserve Continues to
Destroy Lives
and the Life of the Nation
fraudulent creation of the Federal Reserve exists simply to serve the
interests of the descendants of the families responsible for its birth,
to the near total EXCLUSION of the average American. Income taxes are
simply pay back to these families in the form of usury or interest—where
not one dime is spent for the services taxpayers expect (for paying
taxes). Further, to hide the scam, the same interests bought up the
media to suppress the truth, and it is through the media, wars are
ginned up by the same interests for solely their benefit.
The Federal Reserve (or the Usurious Economic System) has also created
"Monolithic-Monopoly Business" to eliminate all competition on the basis
that "competition is not a profitable policy for them."
[Witness Walmart and Its

The Money Mafia
A World In Crisis by Paul T. Hellyer,
(Ch. 7)
The Physical
and Spiritual Implications of the World We Have:
The Spiritual UN Gentle Path
A Manifesto for Earth People to Build Love on Light by Sherrii
(pp 97 - 101)
(21) Jewish Bankers on Wall Street
Turned America's
Peace Economy to a War Economy
(22) The Fraudulent
Income Tax Allows Many Crooked and Corrupt Thing,
Among Them Terrorism, Torture, False Wars & Police Brutality
Neoconned Government has Taken Upon Itself to Learn
from the Worst of the Worst Human Rights Abusers
(23) "Intelligence"
[Propaganda] and Media Work Hand-in-Hand with Zionists
to Fool and Deceive The People for Continual Warfare
(24) Who's Really Killing American Soldiers for the False Wars

Engineer Horrific Killings and the Degradation and Destruction
of Whole Societies and International Law Itself
(26) The Israelification of American Police
(27) Homes for Israelis While Americans Become Homeless
(28) George Washington's Farewell Address
In his farewell Presidential address, George
Washington advised American citizens to view themselves as a cohesive
unit and avoid political parties and issued a special warning to be wary
of attachments and entanglements with other nations.
(29) Engaging the Second Amendment
Purpose for the True Governing Integrity
of America and the Protection of Her Values and Ideals
"At first, by controlling the banking system we were able to
control corporation capital. Through this, we acquired total
monopoly of the movie industry, the radio networks and the newly
developing television media. The printing industry, newspapers,
periodicals and technical journals had already fallen into our
hands. The richest plum was later to come when we took over the
publication of all school materials. Through these vehicles we
could mould public opinion to suit our own purposes. The people
are only stupid pigs that grunt and squeal the chants we give
them, whether they be truth or lies." Harold Rosenthal
(30) Dismantling the Post 9/11 Reality
(31) Causing Our DisUnion
— Racism, Fear, Hate, Wars & Inciting
Against "The Other"
The Multi-Million Dollar
Virulent Islamophobic Machine
Imposed Income Taxes are Used Simply to Fund Wars
and the Militarization of the Planet
— Which is Killing Us All and the Planet Itself
On the Spiritual Level, it is the Wrong Use of our God-Given Purpose
and Goes Against the Grain of our Own Souls as Humans
The High Rate
of Military Suicides is the Telling Sign
The Great
American President, John F. Kennedy said,
"If Mankind does not end war,
War will end Mankind."
(32) USMC Major General Smedley Butler and the State of the Bill of Rights
"We can try to save lives of many young
people who are being bribed with bait-and-switch financial incentives to
get sucked into radioactive war zones. There are 6,000 military
recruiters crawling through our high schools and colleges, mall parking
lots and game parlors looking to put their hooks in the jaws of
17-year-olds slated to become the next crop of radiation fodder. These
high-pressure war salesmen are turning many of our schools into military
recruitment centers. And of course, there is always the possibility of a
draft. All Bush-Cheney have to do is stage another 9/11 type terror
incident and they will get draft legislation passed overnight!"
Israel and 911
Israeli False Flags

Truth in Cartoons | "Once we squeeze all we can out of the United
it can dry up and blow away"
Benjamin Netanyahu
Why Jews were Banished 47 Times from Various Countries
“I would not be in the least bit surprised if these people would
not some day become deadly to the Human Race” – Voltaire, 1771
Past, Present and Future
Acting on the Command of Deity
"When once a Republic is corrupted,
there is no possibility of remedying any of the growing evils but by
removing the corruption and restoring its lost principles; every other
correction is either useless or a new evil."~~- Thomas Jefferson
End the Heart-Ache
Starting Over on Ploughed Earth
— The Convergence of the Light
of All
Religions with the American Founding Principles
A New Journey Awaits Us
Usury Free
the support of this declaration, with a firm reliance
on the protection of Divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other
our lives, our fortunes and our sacred honor.”
The American Declaration of Independence from the Usurers
Know Them by Their Support of Israel